Conestoga Wealth Management

401(k)/Company Benefits

Conestoga Wealth Management assists small and medium sized business to create and maintain a company benefit plan tailored to suit your small business & you

401(k) & Other Retirement Plans

We help you fulfill your role as a plan fiduciary, and if needed, can help you pair with a 3(38) manager. We also design plans for lower than average costs that do not sacrifice Quality!

Company Healthcare, Disability & Other Group Coverage

Does your Health Plan have a deductible? Can you add an HSA? Does your Disability coverage cover your business well enough for key employees, Business Overhead Expense? Does it include true Own Occupation definition? We can help.

A 2nd Look At Your Benefit Structure

Do your 401k expense ratio lower as your plan size increases? Have you included popular new benefits like TeleDoc? We'll take a no cost look at what you're doing and report back to you.

Supplemental Benefit Plans For Owners & Valued Employees

Affordable and tax advantaged ways to set aside much more for retirement, get a great tax deduction and possibly even get you back to the 20% pass through tax break (for some busineesses)

No Wrap Fees Nor 12B-1 Fees

We design or modify plans where all Costs & Fees are transparent. There is no revenue sharing or hidden marketing fees. There are no proprietary products nor conflicts of interest.

Super Charge Your Retirement

We may be able to help your business to mitigate your hefty tax bill AND help you save far more for retirement than a traditional 401(k) can do. Save 20 Years of retirement funds in 10 years!

Contact us for a complimentary review of your benefits

Conestoga Wealth Management

600 Eagleview Boulevard #300

Exton PA 19341

(610) 241-8711